

Inspire learning in a fun way

Enveloping early literacy and numeracy through screen-free, tangible programming introduces the youngest of students to the world of programming through device-free coding cards, story telling, and themed maps. Developing early literacy and numeracy through screen-free, tangible programming introduces the youngest of students to the world of programming through device-free coding cards, story telling, and themed maps.




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Codey Rockey

Programming as simple as playing blocks

Easy to use robotics hardware and block-based programming software makes programming as simple as assembling building blocks. Anyone who reads can learn to program. Our course with Codey Rocky supports AI and IoT functionalities which enables children to explore advanced technology at early age. Designed to build students' interest in STEAM topics, cultivating their skills through project-based learning and collaboration. Computational thinking continues to be a key element for the development of the four key skills: decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms.





mBot 2

Cultivating 21st Century Skills and Get to know AI and IoT

Embark on an exciting journey with mBot2, an immersive platform designed to introduce upper primary school students to robotics and programming. This STEAM-focused program goes beyond basic concepts by integrating cutting-edge AI and IoT programming. Through hands-on projects, students explore AI, IoT, and coding, gaining practical insights into real-world technologies. Empower students with mBot2's transformative experience, where they develop coding proficiency, creativity, and a deep understanding of emerging technologies, setting the stage for a tech-driven future.




Gadget Needed